BCMATH programs for binary quadratic forms and quadratic fields: negative discriminants

  1. Reducing a binary positive definite quadratic form of negative discriminant;
  2. Finding the composite of two binary positive definite quadratic forms of same negative discriminant;
  3. Finding the nth power under composition of binary positive definite quadratic forms of negative discriminant;
  4. Finding the order of under composition of a binary positive definite quadratic forms of negative discriminant in the class group;
  5. Finding the reduced binary quadratic forms of negative discriminant -d and the class number h(-d);
  6. Calculating the class numbers h(-d) for classes of binary quadratic forms of negative discriminant -d, with d in a given range.
  7. Calculating the class numbers h(-d) of imaginary quadratic fields Q(√-d) in a given range of squarefree d.

Last modified 19th July 2006
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