The Florida algorithm

Input: a, b, c, d, e, f, where Δ1 = b2 – 4ac > 0 and is not a square.

Problem: Find all integer solutions of ax2 + bxy + cy2 + dx + ey + f = 0. (1)

ν = (φ1 + ψ1√Δ1)/2 gives the least positive solution of u2 – Δ1v2 = 4.

κ = ενn = (φ + ψ√Δ1)/2, where ε = ±1, n ∈ ℤ.

v11 = (φ – bψ)/2,  v12 = -cψ, v21 = aψ,  v22 = (φ + bψ)/2.

α = 2cd – be,   β = 2ae – bd.

K1(κ) = (α – (αv11 + βv12))/Δ1 ,   K2(κ) = (β – (αv21 + βv22))/Δ1

Case 1. κ = ν, K1(ν) and K2(ν) are both integers.
Case 2. κ = -ν, Case 1 does not hold, but K1(-ν) and K2(-ν) are both integers.
Case 3. κ = ν2. Neither Case 1 nor Case 2 occurs. (We know K12) and K22) are both integers.)

Write α/Δ1 = r1/r2 and β/Δ1 = s1/s2, where gcd(r1/r2) = 1 = gcd(s1/s2), and r2 > 0, s2 > 0.

Make a transformation r2x = X + r1, s2y = Y + s1.

Equation (1) transforms to AX2 + BXY + CY2 = M, (2)
where A = as22, B = br2s2, C = cr22 and M = -r22s22(ae2 - bde + cd2 + fΔ1)/Δ1.

Let gg = gcd(A, B, C). If gg does not divide M, there are not integer solutions of (1).

Otherwise replace (A, B, C, M) by (A/gg, B/gg, C/gg, M/gg).

If equation (2) has no integer solutions, then neither does equation (1).

Suppose (2) has g fundamental solutions (Xi, Yi), 1 ≤ i ≤ g.

Δ2 = B2 – 4AC.

μ = (u1 + v1√Δ2)/2 gives the least positive solution of u2 – Δ2v2 = 4.

U = [(u1 – Bv1)/2,  -Cv1]
       [Av1,   (u1 + Bv1)/2]

Determine k ≥ 1 such that ν2 = μk.

In Case 3, test (X,Y)t = εUj(Xi, Yi)t, 1 ≤ i ≤ g, 0 ≤ j ≤ k – 1, ε = ±1
to see if (x0, y0) = (X + r1)/r2, (Y + s1) /s2) is an integer solution of (1).

This gives a corresponding family

(r2xn, s2yn) = εUkn + j(Xi, Yi)t + (r1,s1)t, n ∈ ℤ

In Case 1, test (X,Y)t = εUj(Xi, Yi)t, 1 ≤ i ≤ g, 0 ≤ j ≤ k/2 – 1, ε = ±1

In Case 2, test (X,Y)t = ε(-U)j(Xi, Yi)t, 1 ≤ i ≤ g, 0 ≤ j ≤ k/2 – 1, ε = ±1

The families satisfy the recurrence relations

xn+1 = v11xn + v12yn + K1(κ),
yn+1 = v21xn + v22yn + K2(κ).

xn = v22xn+1 – v12yn+1 + K1-1),
yn = -v21xn+1 + v11yn+1 + K2-1).

Last modified 18th September 2022
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