number theorist names:V
- Jeff Vaaler
- Diophantine Methods, Lattices, and Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms, Wai Kiu Chan, Lenny Fukshansky, Rainer Schulze-Pillot, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Contemporary Mathematics 587 AMS 2013
- The Markhoff and Lagrange Spectra, T.W. Cusick, M.E. Flahive, CBMS Monograph 30, AMS 1989, Review, Jeffrey D. Vaaler, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 24 (1991), 419-424
- Keijo Väänänen
- Vlachou Vagia
- Marian Vajaitu
- Maria Valentino
- Brigitte Vallée
- Frank Vallentin
- Daniel Vallières
- Joseph Vandehey
- Ilan Vardi
- Firmin Varescon
- Nóra Varga
- Ila Varma
- Juan Luis Varona
- Recorridos por la Teoría de Números, Juan Luis Varona, second edition 2019, Electolibris (the publishing house has closed permanently and the book is now available
free for downloading.)
- Leonid Vaserstein
- Oleg Nikolaevich Vasilenko
- Adrian Vasiu
- Vinayak Vatsal
- Akshaa Vatwani
- Robert Vaughan
- Waring's Problem: A Survey, R.C. Vaughan and T.D. Wooley
- Analytic Number Theory, Essays in Honour of Klaus Roth, Ed. William Chen, Timothy Gowers, Heini Halberstam, Wolfgang Schmidt, Robert Vaughan, CUP 2009
- Multiplicative Number Theory I, H.L. Montgomery, R.C. Vaughan, Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 97, CUP, September 2006
- The Hardy-Littlewood Method, R.C. Vaughan (2nd Edn) Cambridge Tract 125, CUP 1997
- Additive Number Theory of Polynomials over a Finite Field, D.R. Hayes and G.W. Effinger, OUP 1991, Review, R. C. Vaughan, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 28 (1993), 209-212
- Tony Vazzana
- Valentina Vega
- Sanju Velani
- William Vélez
- Rodolpho Venerucci
- Otmar Venjakob
- Iwasawa Theory 2012, Eds. Thanasis Bouganis, Otmar Venjakob, Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 7, Springer 2014,
- Noncommutative Iwasawa Main Conjectures over Totally Real Fields, Ed. John Coates, Peter Schneider, Sujatha Ramdorai, Otmar Venjakob, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, Vol. 29, 2013
- Guhan Venkat
- Akshay Venkatesh
- Francesco Veneziano
- Alexei Venkov
- Xavier Taixés i Ventosa
- Frederik Vercauteren
- Jean-Louis Verger-Gaugry
- Helena Verrill
- Matteo Verzobio
- Don Vestal
- Wim Veys
- Evelina Viada
- Maryna Viazovska
- Xavier Vidaux
- Marie-France Vignéras
- Formes Automorphes (II): Le Cas Du Groupe GSp(4), Ed. Jacques Tilouine, Henri Carayol, Michael Harris and Marie-France Vigneras, Astérisque 302, 2005
- Arithmétique des algères de quaternions, Marie-France Vigneras, Springer Lecture Notes 800, 1980
- Stefano Vigni
- Fernando Rodriguez Villegas
- Stéphane Vinatier
- Christelle Vincent
- Carlo Viola
- Bianca Viray
- Cristian Virdol
- Pankaj Vishe
- Solomon Vishkautsan
- Vanessa Vitse
- Masha Vlasenko
- Isabel Vogt
- John Voight
- LuCaNT: LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory, Ed. John Cremona, John Jones, Jennifer Paulhus, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight, Contemporary Mathematics 796, AMS 2024
- Quaternion algebras, John Voight, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 288, Springer 2021, MAA review
- The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database, John E. Cremona, John W. Jones, Andrew V. Sutherland, and John Voight, AMS Notices October, 2021
- Elliptic Curves, Hilbert Modular Forms and Galois Deformations, L. Berger, G. Böckle, L. Dembélé, M. Dimitrov, T. Dokchitser, J. Voight, Birkhäuser, 2013
- Perfect numbers - an elementary introduction, John Voight
- Oberwolfach: Explicit Algebraic Number Theory, Notes by John Voight
- Seminar notes: Aspects of complex multiplication (Don Zagier), An introduction to group schemes (René Schoof), notes by John Voight
- Paul Vojta
- Arithmetic Geometry, Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 10-15, 2007, Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Peter Swinnerton-Dyer, Paul Vojta, Pietro Corvaja, Carlo Gasbarri (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2009, 2010
- Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry, (Eds. J.-L. Colliot-Thelene, K. Kato, P. Vojta, E. Ballico), Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1553, Springer 1993
- Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory, P. Vojta, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1239, Springer 1987
- Topics in Nevanlinna Theory, S. Lang, W. Cherry, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1433, Springer NY 1990, Review, Paul Vojta, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 26 (1992), 153-157
- Ulrich Vollmer
- Felipe Voloch
- Jan Vonk
- Ulrike Vorhauer
- Sergei Vostokov
- Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Papers dedicated to A.N. Parshin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Ed. S. Vostokov, Y. Zahrin, Contemporary Mathematics 300, AMS 2002
- Local Fields and Their Extensions, (Second Edition) I.B. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov, 2001
- Local Fields and Their Extensions: A Constructive Approach, I. Fesenko, S.V. Vostokov, Translations of Mathematical Monographs 121, AMS 1993
- Paul Voutier
- Paul Vrbik
- Maxim Vsemirnov
- Lawrence Vu
- Van Vu
- Borna Vukorepa
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