/* * bc program discrete_log. 11/7/99. * modified on 14th May 2004 by adding only those functions of gcd * that are needed. */ /* s(a)=1,-1,0, according as a>0,a<0,a=0 */ define sign(a){ if(a>0) return(1) if(a<0) return(-1) return(0) } /* absolute value of an integer n */ define abs(n){ if(n>=0) return(n) return(-n) } /*NOTE: in bc we have */ /* a%b=m(a,b) if a>=0 or a<0 and b divides a */ /* a%b=m(a,b)-b if a<0, b>0, a not divisible by b */ /* a/b=[a/b] if a>=0 or a<0 and b divides a */ /* a/b=[a/b]+1 if a<0, b>0, a not divisible by b */ /* a=b(a/b)+a%b */ /* mod(a,b)=the least non-negative remainder when an integer a is divided by a positive integer b */ define mod(a,b){ auto c c=a%b if(a>=0) return(c) if(c==0) return(0) return(c+b) } /* int(a,b)=integer part of a/b, a, b integers, b != 0 */ define int(a,b){ if(b<0){ a= -a b= -b } return((a-mod(a,b))/b) } /* gcd(m,n) for any integers m and n */ /* Euclid's division algorithm is used. */ /* We use gcd(m,n)=gcd(m,|n|) */ define gcd(m,n){ auto a,b,c a=abs(m) /* a=r[0] */ if(n==0) return(a) b=abs(n) /* b=r[1] */ c=a%b /* c=r[2]=r[0] mod(r[1]) */ while(c>0){ a=b b=c c=a%b /* c=r[j]=r[j-2] mod(r[j-1]) */ } return(b) } /* gcd(a,b)=a*h(a,b)+b*k(a,b) for any integers a and b, * where h(a,b) and k(a,b) are calculated as follows: * Let q[1],...,q[n] be the quotients in Euclid's algorithm. * Then the recurrence relation * s[0]=1, s[1]=0, s[j]=s[j-2]-q[j-1]*s[j-1] for j=2,...,n * is implemented. Then h(a,b)=s[n]. * The recurrence relation * t[0]=0, t[1]=1, t[j]=t[j-2]-q[j-1]*t[j-1] for j=2,...,n * is implemented. Then k(a,b)=t[n]. */ /* gcd1(m,n)=h(m,n). * gcd2(m,n)=k(m,n). */ define gcd1(m,n){ auto a,b,c,h,k,l,q,t if(n==0) return(sign(m)) a=m /* a=r[0] */ b=abs(n) /* b=r[1] */ c=mod(a,b) /* c=r[2] */ if(c==0) return(0) l=1 /* l=s[0] */ k=0 /* k=s[1] */ while(c>0){ q=(a-c)/b /* q=q[j-1]=[r[j-2]/r[j-1]] */ a=b b=c c=mod(a,b) /* c=r[j],r[j-2]=q[j-1]*r[j-1]+r[j]*/ h=l-q*k /* h=s[j],k=s[j-1], l=s[j-2] */ l=k k=h } return(k) /* k=s[j] */ } define gcd2(m,n){ auto a,b,c,h,k,l,q,t,j if(n==0) return(0) a=m /* a=r[0] */ b=abs(n) /* b=r[1] */ c=mod(a,b) /* c=r[2] */ if(c==0) return(sign(n)) l=0 /* l=t[0] */ k=1 /* k=t[1] */ while(c>0){ q=(a-c)/b /* q=q[j-1]=[r[j-2]/r[j-1]] */ a=b b=c c=mod(a,b) /* c=r[j],r[j-2]=q[j-1]*r[j-1]+r[j]*/ h=l-q*k /* h=t[j],k=t[j-1], l=t[j-2] */ l=k k=h } q=(a-c)/b if(n<0) return(-k) return(k) /* k=t[j] */ } /* inv(a,n) returns the inverse of a (mod n), n>0 if gcd(a,n)=1. * uses the fact that |s[j]|1){print "gcd(a,n)>1\n";return(0)} s=gcd1(a,n) if(s<0)return(s+n) return(s) } /* a^b (mod c), a,b,c integers, a,b>=0,c>=1 */ define mpower(a,b,c){ auto x,y,z x=a y=b z=1 while(y>0){ while(y%2==0){ y=y/2 x=(x*x)%c } y=y-1 z=mod(z*x,c) } return(z) } /* Divide and conquer method for locating the * index k such that integer i=a[k] in the * sequence of distinct integers a[m],...,a[n]. * returns -1 if i does not occur. */ define detect(i,a[],m,n){ auto j,k,l,t,s j=m k=n s=k-j while(s>1){ t=(j+k)/2 l=a[t] if(i==l)return(t) if(il)j=t s=k-j } if(i==a[j])return(j) if(i==a[k])return(k) return(-1) } /* From "Algorithms", by R. Sedgewick, p. 118. * Here the arrays a[],b[] are global, being * produced by program shanks() below. * Initially b[k]=k, while at the end of sorting, * b[i]<-s[i], where s is the sorting permutation * and a[i]<-a[s[i]]. */ define quicksort(l,r){ auto v,t,i,j,k,z,x,y if(r>l){ v=a[r] i=l-1 j=r while(j>i){ while(1){ i=i+1 if(a[i]>=v)break } while(1){ j=j-1 if(a[j]<=v)break } t=a[i];z=b[i] a[i]=a[j]; b[i]=b[j] a[j]=t; b[j]=z; } a[j]=a[i]; b[j]=b[i]; a[i]=a[r]; b[i]=b[r]; a[r]=t; b[r]=z; x=quicksort(l,i-1) y=quicksort(i+1,r) }else { return(0) } } /* From O. Forster, "Algorithmische Zahlentheorie", Vieweg 1996, 65-66. * returns y, 0<=y=2^32-2^16){ print "p>= 2^32-2^16\n" return } q=(sqrt(4*p+1)+1)/2 for(i=0;i<=q;i++){b[i]=i} for(k=0;k<=q;k++){ a[k]=mpower(g,q*k,p) } b=quicksort(0,q) h=inv(g,p) for(i=0;i=0){ return((b[k]*q+i)%(p-1)) } } return(-1) }